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Chicken Stroganoff with Rose Sauce

Photo of the Chicken Stroganoff with Rose Sauce – recipe of Chicken Stroganoff with Rose Sauce on DeliRec
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Chicken Stroganoff with Rose Sauce


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


4 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Chilled chicken breast500 mg
  • Salt (garlic and onion)1 teaspoon
  • Sour cream1 unit(s)
  • Tomato sauce1 unit(s)
  • Rice1 can(s)
  • Parsley3 to taste
  • Mushroom (optional)1 unit(s)
  1. Place your chicken on a cutting board, take the sharpest knife and cut right down the middle.
  2. After dividing in two, cut into cubes.
  3. Take a bowl and let it "marinate" (with desired seasoning, I recommend salt, parsley and salt)
  4. After 2 minutes, remove the chicken and place in a pan without oil. Always stirring so it doesn't burn.
  5. When it starts to brown, add half of a tomato paste.
  6. Add a box of sour cream. Mix well until the sauce is pink.
  7. Let it cook well. Meanwhile, prepare your rice.
  8. After the rice is cooked, it is ready.

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