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Mabel Beatriz Boldrini Mello


Sou argentina; 19 anos aqui no Brasil. Amo esse país que me adotou ❤️. Sou Cozinheira Profissional; amo fazer pão e massas. Receitas fáceis e rápidas


Donuts/Donuts on Airfyer

Zucchini Rolls in the AIRFRYER

Zucchini roulade / Ideal for summer

Pudding in the Airfryer


Sweet and sour Fennel Fennel

Stuffed beets unique flavor

Argentine Empanadas 🇦🇷

Brownie Cookies or Brownie Cookies

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We are passionate about food and have created this app so that people like us can have fun and discover new dishes, invent recipes and share them. Because we have to share good food!

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