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Low Carb Codfish Cake

Photo of the Low Carb Codfish Cake – recipe of Low Carb Codfish Cake on DeliRec
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Low Carb Codfish Cake


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


12 servings

Primeira Casa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Shredded cod500 g
  • Pumpkin1/3 unit(s)
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Wheat Bran (can substitute for other fiber too)1 tablespoon
  • Onion and coriander to taste
  1. Peel and cook the pumpkin, mash it until it turns into a puree. The cod I already bought shredded and desalted
  2. In a container, place the pumpkin, cod, egg and wheat bran, seasonings to taste and stir until all the ingredients are united and form a dough.
  3. Make polka dot molds and take it to the Air Fryer at 180°C for 20 minutes

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