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Healthy Lemon Pie

Photo of the Healthy Lemon Pie – recipe of Healthy Lemon Pie on DeliRec
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Healthy Lemon Pie


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Tempo de preparo

45 min(s)


1 servings

Fernanda Kluppel

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Almond flour2/3 cup
  • Unflavored Coconut Oil2 tablespoon
  • water1 tablespoon
  • Agave Syrup1 tablespoon
  • Coconut Milk Powder1 cup
  • Lemon1 unit(s)
  • Boiling water1/4 cup
  • Xylitol1/4 cup
  • Lemon zest to taste
  1. In a bowl, mix all the ingredients for the filling, except for the lemon zest. The idea is to have a very smooth cream. This process can be done in a blender as well. Place in the fridge for 1 hour to thicken and freeze.
  2. In a bowl, mix the dough ingredients until it is uniform and suitable for shaping, without crumbling.
  3. Arrange in silicone molds. Mine yielded 4 units.
  4. Bake in preheated oven until edges are browned, about 12 minutes. When you take them out of the oven, the dough may still be a little soft and that's why it's super important that you let them cool down. When they are cool, put the stuffing and lemon zest.

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