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Photo of the cocoa cookie – recipe of cocoa cookie on DeliRec
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cocoa cookie


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Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


5 servings

Alícia Tereza

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Eggs2 unit(s)
  • Cocoa1 tablespoon
  • Almonds (flour)2 tablespoon
  • Coconut Flour2 tablespoon
  • Psyllium1 tablespoon
  • Cocoa1 to taste
  1. Mix all the ingredients in a pot until you get a uniform consistency.
  2. One has the molds with ghee and I put the dough.
  3. Then oven at 180 degrees for 15/20 minutes.
  4. On top I put this part of peanut with cocoa!
  5. I didn't use anything for you know because the paste is already very sweet but if you prefer you can add whatever you want!!
  6. Ah, its texture got harder so if you prefer a softer cake I suggest reducing the amounts of flour.

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