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Strawberry Chocolate Mousse

Photo of the Strawberry Chocolate Mousse  – recipe of Strawberry Chocolate Mousse  on DeliRec
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Strawberry Chocolate Mousse


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


10 servings

Lais Lika

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Creme de leite2 can(s)
  • Leite condensado1 can(s)
  • Chocolate em pó1/4 cup
  • Morango10 unit(s)
  • Leite1 cup
  • Gelatina sem sabor1 unit(s)
  1. Throw all the ingredients except for the Jell-O into the blender
  2. Follow the instructions on the Jell-O to melt it
  3. Add the Jell-O to the mix and blend it in
  4. Pour the mousse into any container and leave it in the fridge until it's nice and cold
  5. Dig in!

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