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Reverse Martini Ex

Photo of the Reverse Martini Ex – recipe of Reverse Martini Ex on DeliRec
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Reverse Martini Ex


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Tempo de preparo

5 min(s)


1 servings

Igarapé Consultoria

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Vermouth Bianco de Cashew Ex60 ml
  • Ex Sicilian Lemon Gin30 ml
  • Sicilian Lemon Twist1 unit(s)
  1. Chill a Coupe glass by filling it with crushed ice and leave it to await the cocktail like this.
  2. Pour the liquid ingredients directly into a pre-cooled Mixing Glass and fill it with plenty of ice.
  3. Position a ballerina (bar spoon) so as to reach the bottom of the Mixing Glass already filled with ice and exactly between the edge of the Mixing Glass and the ice.
  4. Holding the ballerina (bar spoon) between the middle and ring fingers and using your thumb as a support, with a not very firm grip, start pushing the ballerina with the ring and little fingers and then pull with the index and middle fingers.
  5. Let the ballerina (bar spoon) slide between your thumb and forefinger and note that its movement will be circular around the inside edge of the Mixing Glass.
  6. To enhance and complement the movement let the wrist rotate but keep the arm and elbow steady.
  7. Hold the Mixing Glass in the other hand with the fingers and base. As soon as you feel this cold place, the cocktail is cooled and ready to be strained.
  8. Discard the crushed ice from the Coupe glass and position it to receive the cocktail that will be strained from the Mixing Glass.
  9. Strain, in a simple way, the drink directly into the glass already cooled and without any ice.
  10. Garnish with a large, rustic Sicilian lemon twist, place directly into the drink and serve.

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