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quindim brigadeiro

Photo of the quindim brigadeiro – recipe of quindim brigadeiro on DeliRec
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quindim brigadeiro


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


40 servings


  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Condensed milk1 can(s)
  • unsalted butter20 g
  • Gems6 unit(s)
  • Finely grated dry coconut15 g
  • Vanilla essence1/2 teaspoon
  1. In a pan, mix condensed milk, butter, egg yolks and grated coconut, and bring to a boil. To avoid having an egg taste, sift the yolks before mixing.
  2. When you get the point, add the vanilla essence, mix and remove from the heat. To check if you have arrived at the right point, pass a silicone spatula in the dough to see the bottom of the pan ("Moses path"). If it takes 5 seconds or more to rejoin, it's done.
  3. Make balls and for the finish, pass in grated coconut.

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