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Prestige truffled chocolate

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Prestige truffled chocolate

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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


8 servings

Letícia Pacheco

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • condensed milk400 g
  • Sour cream200 g
  • Shredded Coconut100 g
  • Semisweet Chocolate200 g
  • Chocotone (400g)1 unit(s)
  1. For the coconut filling: Add the condensed milk, 100g of cream and the grated coconut to a pan. Stir constantly over low heat until thickened. Reserve
  2. For the chocolate filling: in a bowl add the chopped bittersweet chocolate, microwave every 30 seconds. Stirring so the chocolate doesn't burn. After melting, add 100g of cream and set aside.
  3. Assembly: Remove the lid and core from the chocotone. Add the coconut and chocolate fillings alternately. After adding the "lid" the panettone and decorate as you prefer Then just enjoy

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