- Ingredients
- Recipe
- (to make the cream) Packs of pastry filled biscuits (330g)2 unit(s)
- Powdered gelatine envelope, unflavored1 unit(s)
- Milk (cup of tea)1 cup
- Strong coffee (cup of tea)1 cup
- Envelope of powder for Maria mole (50g)1 unit(s)
- 1 can of condensed milk1 can(s)
- Sour cream1 can(s)
- condensed milk (to make the topping)1 can(s)
- Sour cream1/2 can(s)
- Instant coffee1 tablespoon
- For the cream, hydrate the gelatin in the milk, dissolve in a bain-marie and hit the blender with the other ingredients.
- In a small rectangular refractory, alternate layers of biscuit and cream, ending with cream.
- In a blender, beat the topping ingredients and spread over the pavé. Place in the fridge for 3 hours and serve.
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