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Mango pudding (healthy; fit, protein; no sugar)

Photo of the Mango pudding (healthy; fit, protein; no sugar) – recipe of Mango pudding (healthy; fit, protein; no sugar) on DeliRec
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Mango pudding (healthy; fit, protein; no sugar)


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


18 servings

Dirlaine Silva

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • low-fat spreadable cream cheese (Philadelphia type)*400 g
  • fresh beaten cheese 0% mat. (quark cheese) or whipped cream or whipped coconut milk500 g
  • Ripe mangoes2 unit(s)
  • colorless gelatin sheets8 unit(s)
  • tablespoons** of the sweetening ingredient you prefer (honey, agave, stevia,...)6 tablespoon
  1. I split the sleeves and set aside 1/4 of one for decoration. The rest I peeled, broke into pieces and reduced to puree with the magic wand (watch out for overripe mangoes as they leave strands).
  2. In a pan I put the cheeses, the mango puree and the sweetener. I blended it with the wand to mix. I brought it to the boil, gently, for 5 minutes (it is advisable to bubble, even if lightly, during this time; this is the secret of the pudding and is what will remove the cheese flavor and not make it look like a cheesecake).
  3. Remove from the heat and let it cool slightly while I put the gelatine sheets to soak in water. I put the drained leaves in the cream and involved, they fall apart immediately. (Note: the gelatine sheets lose their effect at high temperature, it is always advisable to let the preparations cool slightly
  4. I poured it on a rectangular silicone cake tin and kept it in the fridge overnight (it can be any shape and then they unmold as if it were gelatin).
  5. With the sleeve reserved for decoration, I removed 4 thin slices and the rest I crushed with 1 tablespoon of water.
  6. I unmold, poured the mango puree from the decoration on top and then the slices.

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