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Photo of the Love Apple – recipe of Love Apple on DeliRec
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Love Apple


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


12 servings

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • sugar1 kg
  • water500 l
  • apple cider vinegar12 l
  • red dye2 tablespoon
  • apples12 unit(s)
  • Ice cream sticks to taste
  1. In a pan, put the sugar, water, apple cider vinegar, red dye and, with the fire still off, mix all the ingredients well.
  2. Light the fire and let cook for 45 minutes without stirring.
  3. Turn off the heat and set aside.
  4. Take an apple one by one and press the ice cream stick into the candy apple assembly.
  5. Dip each of the apples in the syrup and place them in a refractory.
  6. Wait a few minutes for the syrup to cool down and your apple of love is ready!
  7. Tip
  8. To know the correct point of the syrup of the apple of love, drip the syrup into the water with ice. If it pops, it's on point!

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