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Photo of the Love Apple – recipe of Love Apple on DeliRec
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Love Apple


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

25 min(s)


6 servings

Michele Crispim

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Apple6 unit(s)
  • Sugar500 g
  • Water200 ml
  • White Vinegar2 tablespoon
  • Red dye1 teaspoon
  1. Remove the stems from the apples, and insert a popsicle stick into each one. Reserve.
  2. In a pan, combine the sugar, water, vinegar and red food coloring. Stir well and only then turn on the fire. Leave on medium heat until it reduces and forms a syrup.
  3. Tip to know if the syrup is ready: put cold water in a container and carefully add some of the syrup into the cold water with a spoon. Add the syrup into the water with your fingers, forming a ball. Let the ball fall on the table, if it makes noise, it's done!
  4. Pass the apples inside the syrup, covering the entire surface. Let it dry on a greased baking sheet and you're done!

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