Love Apple
•View in original language
30 min(s)
10 servings
Karen Silva
@casanachacara_- Ingredients
- Recipe
- Sugar1 kg
- Water500 ml
- White Vinegar1 tablespoon
- Red dye to taste
- Medium Apples10 unit(s)
- Ice cream stick10 unit(s)
- Wash and dry the apples. Skewer them with a toothpick. Grease aluminum molds (can be cake) with oil, very little.
- Syrup Place all the ingredients inside a pan. No spoon is used in this recipe (because you can sugar the syrup). Mix/stir only the pan - do not use any kind of spoon, as it can break the point of the syrup. Until boiling, you can use high heat, when it boils, change to medium and keep for approximately 25 minutes. Dip the tip of an ice cream stick into the syrup and drip into the mold in seconds. Press with your finger (it will crumple) and release onto the mold; if it makes a solid noise, turn it off immediately and start the process of dipping the apples and placing them on the previously greased form. Note that the ideal is to carry out this process as soon as possible, as the syrup will naturally harden.
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