Lemon pie with brigadeiro
•View in original language
1 hour(s)
8 servings
@dona_mariiia- Ingredients
- Recipe
- Cornstarch Biscuit Pack1 to taste
- Margarine5 tablespoon
- Condensed milk2 can(s)
- Chocolate powder 50%3 tablespoon
- Sour cream1/2 can(s)
- Lemon juice4/1 cup
- Start with the brigadeiro to cool down throughout the recipe. - in the pan, put the condensed milk and cocoa, stir until brigadeiro point and separate a small part if you want to put brigadiers on top. After taking it off the fire add the milk cream box and stir a lot until you have a soft brigadeiro. - let's go to the dough. Preheat the oven to 200° To make the cookie flour, you can use a blender or food processor. Transfer to a bowl and add the softened margarine in the microwave. Put lemon zest in the dough. When you can shape it with your hand, put it in a removable background shape or a glass platter (press well) give several holes in the bottom with a fork, if it's still crumbling like flour, add more margarine (it's important to stir with your hand, only then see the correct point) Bake for five to 13 minutes - Mousse. Put the condensed milk, the cream and the lemon juice and beat for about 5 minutes and put it in the fridge. make the brigadiers *For assembly The dough needs to be very cold. Put the soft brigadeiro, the mousse, and decorate as you prefer. I put brigadeiros, lemon zest, and sprinkles. Put the pie in the fridge for 2 hours and it's ready 😋
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