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homemade orange jam

Photo of the homemade orange jam – recipe of homemade orange jam on DeliRec
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homemade orange jam


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


10 servings

Tatiana Souza

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Peeled oranges800 g
  • Sugar300 g
  • Cinnamon Pau1 unit(s)
  • Clove4 unit(s)
  1. Start by peeling the oranges, removing all the white part, as it generates the bitterness. Cut the oranges, remove the white core and remove all the seeds. Place the oranges in a blender and blend well until you get a thick juice. Pour the liquid into a pan, add the sugar, cloves and cinnamon and bring to a boil. Leave on high heat until it boils, lower the heat and let it cook in the semi-covered pan for 40 to 60 minutes. Stir occasionally so the jam doesn't stick, but avoid stirring too much, as the jam can be sugary. Remove the foam that forms on the surface using a slotted spoon, so your jam will be shiny. To check if the point is correct, run your finger on the back of the spoon, if this space is clean without being filled again by the jam, it means it's ready. Place the very hot jam in the sterilized jars, cover and leave the jars upside down until they cool completely.

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