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Photo of the German pie – recipe of German pie on DeliRec
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German pie


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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


1 servings

Jordana Macedo

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Maizena Biscuit150 g
  • unsalted butter100 g
  • Refined sugar1 cup
  • unsalted butter200 g
  • Frozen sour cream500 ml
  • Melted semisweet chocolate170 g
  • Sour cream200 g
  • Calypso Cracker1 unit(s)
  1. PASTA Grind the biscuit in the food processor/blender and mix with the melted butter, forming a crumb. Forre a removable rim shape with the farofinha, pressing well.
  2. FILLING In the mixer, mix the sugar with the butter (not too cold, it has to be like ointment) until it becomes homogeneous. Add the cream and vanilla essence and beat again. I added about 2 tablespoons of Condensed Milk too.
  3. ROOF: Mix the melted dark chocolate with the cream.
  4. MOUNTING After placing the farofa in the form, place the round cookies around the form. Add the stuffing and refrigerate for 4 hours. Remove from the fridge and pour the topping on top. Return to the fridge for another 6 hours.

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