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Photo of the Garibaldi Ex – recipe of Garibaldi Ex on DeliRec
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Garibaldi Ex


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

5 min(s)


1 servings

Igarapé Consultoria

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Italian Appetizer with Berries and Amburana Ex30 ml
  • Simple Sugar Syrup15 ml
  • Orange Juice100 ml
  • Aquafaba15 ml
  • Bahia orange segment1 unit(s)
  1. Place a 3x11 translucent ice cube in a tall, thin glass.
  2. Pour the liquid ingredients directly into a cocktail shaker and fill it with plenty of ice.
  3. Close the shaker with the other part and shake the drink vigorously until the shaker feels cold in your hand.
  4. Open the shaker and double strain the drink from one part of the shaker to the other.
  5. Discard the ice used to shake the drink and close the shaker again by shaking its contents, without the ice, in a wide, straight motion from top to bottom.
  6. Open the cocktail shaker and strain the drink directly into a tall glass with 3x11 translucent ice.
  7. Garnish the drink by placing the slice of orange on the edge of the glass so that the straight part is facing up and serve.

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