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Photo of the fast cure – recipe of fast cure on DeliRec
Curtir receita
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fast cure


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


6 servings

stephany valeria

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Corn on the Cob5 unit(s)
  • Milk2 cup
  • Li sugar to taste
  • Cinnamon to taste
  1. Start by preparing this traditional corn curau recipe by cutting the corn off the cobs with the help of a sharp knife. Tip: Do not cut the corn too close to the cob so that the curau does not have a bitter taste.
  2. Then beat the corn in the blender along with the milk for about 5 minutes, to obtain a mixture as homogeneous as possible. Place this mixture in a fine mesh sieve/sieve and press down with a spoon to squeeze all the juice out of the corn without the cob.
  3. Put the corn juice in a pan along with the sugar and butter. Place over medium heat and keep stirring until it thickens, which will take about 15 minutes. Then lower the heat and stir for another 20-30 minutes to get the flavor right. Distribute in bowls or jars and let cool without covering.
  4. Now if you want you can take it to the fridge or let it cool naturally. sprinkle with cinnamon

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