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easy gateau petition

Photo of the easy gateau petition – recipe of easy gateau petition on DeliRec
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easy gateau petition

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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


8 servings

Caroline Oliveira

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Milk or semisweet chocolate200 g
  • Margarine2 tablespoon
  • Sugar (if using milk chocolate, sugar is not necessary)3 tablespoon
  • Wheat Flour2 tablespoon
  • Egg3 unit(s)
  1. The first step is to melt the chocolate with the margarine.
  2. In a mixer, beat the eggs with the sugar until fluffy.
  3. Add the wheat flour and melted chocolate and mix gently.
  4. Place small portions of this dough in greased and floured pie sticks.
  5. Bake in a high oven at 240°C for about 8 minutes.
  6. Develop hot and serve next.
  7. I used homemade cream ice cream (there's already a recipe here), whipped cream and strawberry to decorate.
  8. Note: you can freeze the dumplings and when serving, just take them directly to the oven and bake for approximately 20 minutes.

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