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Tempo de preparo

1 hour(s)


30 servings

Tania Miranda

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Wheat flour500 g
  • Sugar40 g
  • Salt10 g
  • Organic Yeast30 g
  • Vegetable fat35 g
  • Egg25 g
  • Milk275 ml
  1. Make a sponge dough with 200g of flour, the yeast and a part of milk. (Wait 30 minutes)
  2. In a platter put the rest of the flour, the sugar, the salt, the fat, the eggs,
  3. Make a hole in the middle and add the sponge, mix well and gradually add the milk.
  4. Knead well.
  5. Form 30g balls,
  6. Let rest for 20 minutes
  7. Take it to the oven to pre-bake at 175 degrees for 5 minutes, remove from the oven and fry in hot oil.
  8. Ready, cut them in half and fill to your preference.
  9. Filling of your choice cream, dulce de leche, brigadeiro

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