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Different cocada

Photo of the Different cocada – recipe of Different cocada on DeliRec
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Different cocada

Um doce saboroso e fácil de fazer Read more


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Tempo de preparo

140 min(s)


5 servings

karina camara

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Water200 ml
  • Sugar600 g
  • Shredded coconut400 g
  • Heavy cream200 ml
  • Condensed milk369 ml
  1. Add sugar and water.
  2. Wait for the sugar to bind, NOTE: don't let it turn into syrup!
  3. Add the grated coconut and keep tasting until the coconut no longer tastes raw.
  4. When the coconut is no longer raw, add the Heavy cream and condensed milk
  5. Now you can't stop stirring until the coconut is at brigadeiro point.
  6. When you see the bottom, turn off the heat and stir for another 2 minutes.
  7. Grease the mold with margarine or butter and carefully pour in the coconut.
  8. Store in the refrigerator and wait 60 minutes (1 hour).
  9. And now help yourself

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