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Delicious apple pie!!!

Photo of the Delicious apple pie!!! – recipe of Delicious apple pie!!! on DeliRec
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Delicious apple pie!!!


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Tempo de preparo

90 min(s)


12 servings

Rafael Tocchetto

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • PIE DOUGH1 unit(s)
  • Maizena Biscuit - 1 pack200 g
  • Butter - half a tablet100 g
  • APPLE FILLING1 unit(s)
  • Fuji apple8 unit(s)
  • Refined sugar90 g
  • Water100 ml
  • Cinnamon2 teaspoon
  • CREAM1 unit(s)
  • Condensed milk - 1 box or can395 g
  • Fresh cream395 g
  • Gems - 4 units60 g
  • Cinnamon powder to finish to taste
  1. PIE DOUGH Beat the cornstarch biscuit in the blender until it forms a fine flour; Melt the butter in a bain-marie and mix it with the biscuit until well incorporated; In a 25cm removable bottom baking dish, spread a thin layer on the bottom with the help of a spoon or pastry spatula. Mount the edge of the baking dish and mount the rest of the dough on the edges as well; Bake at 200°C in the oven for 5 minutes, turn the pan halfway through. Reserve to cool.
  2. APPLE FILLING Peel and cut the apples into macedoine (medium cubes, 1cm); Cook the apples with sugar and water over high heat, stirring occasionally, until the water dry; Add the cinnamon, mix well and spread over the already cold dough; For a better finish, level the apple filling well.
  3. CREAM Mix the condensed milk with the cream and the yolks and cook over low heat until it forms a thick cream; Stir constantly so it doesn't stick to the bottom; If the ceme starts to form lumps, beat it with a mixer to get it back to normal. Turn off the heat, and pour over the apples; The cream must be mounted while still hot over the apples; Spread evenly, this will be the final appearance of the pie.
  4. Sprinkle the pie with the ground cinnamon.
  5. This is a delicious pie and cinnamon is fundamental in its composition. In my restaurant, even those who don't like cinnamon marvel at its flavor. Don't give up on cinnamon! It can also be served with some grated Brazil nuts and vanilla ice cream as pictured. And if you need help, call me on Instagram, @chefrafactocchetto. Good job and bon appétit!

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