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Cocada to sell

Photo of the Cocada to sell – recipe of Cocada to sell on DeliRec
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Cocada to sell


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

3 hour(s)


45 servings

Hilda Celestino

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Fresh Coconut3 kg
  • Sugar1 kg
  • Condensed milk1 can(s)
  • Sugar to make the jam1 kg
  • Milk or water with a pinch of salt50 ml
  1. Peel and grate the fresh coconut
  2. Bring a large pan to a simmer, add water or milk
  3. Add the grated coconut, gradually add the sugar and keep stirring.
  4. Don't throw all the sugar in the pan at once, so you don't sugar the cocada too much.
  5. When you pass the spoon on the side of the pan and you feel that the sugar there is dry, add the condensed milk.
  6. Lower the heat, always stirring, and when the candy is coming off the bottom of the pan, turn off the heat, remove the pan from the hot stove.
  7. Start beating the cocada dough off the heat.
  8. When you feel the dough drying, use a tablespoon full and on a surface greased with butter, distribute the cocadas
  9. When assembling the cocadas, if you want them thin, distribute them with a spoon.
  10. If you want more voluminous, just turn the dough of the spoon size depends on what you want.
  11. After drying, store the cocadas in a container with a lid.

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