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Chocolate syrup

Photo of the Chocolate syrup – recipe of Chocolate syrup on DeliRec
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Chocolate syrup


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Tempo de preparo

20 min(s)


1 servings

Gracielle Linhares

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Sugar1/3 cup
  • Chocolate powder1/2 cup
  • Water1/3 cup
  • Butter1 tablespoon
  1. Bring all the ingredients to a medium heat, stirring constantly until it comes away from the bottom of the pan. Tricks to make the syrup crispy Whenever you are dosing powdered ingredients, use proper and leveled measurements. That is, invest in the correct dosers and swipe your finger to level the exact amount of each item. That way, your recipe will have the perfect consistency. Use powdered chocolate (also known by the traditional box packaging, usually with 50% cocoa and 50% sugar), which is not cocoa (more than 50%) and is also not chocolatey. This makes all the difference in the method that will pre-crystallize the syrup and leave it crackling. Another secret of the pre-crystallization of the syrup is to control the amount of fat. That's why the recipe doesn't use bar chocolate and doesn't use milk, just a little butter and water. To reduce, use medium heat constantly stirring the syrup. For this, use a fouet and stir constantly without stopping. The reduction process takes about five minutes. The secret to discovering the right point of the topping is to unglue it from the bottom of the pan, like a brigadeiro. When covering the cake, it needs to be warm. The syrup can be hot, but the ideal thing is that the mass does not make the topping melt with its heat.

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