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Chocolate Cookie

Photo of the Chocolate Cookie – recipe of Chocolate Cookie on DeliRec
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Chocolate Cookie


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


15 servings

Juliana Sabbatini

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Would keep without salt100 g
  • Brown sugar120 g
  • Chocolate powder1 tablespoon
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Baking powder1 teaspoon
  • Semisweet chocolate, chopped or in drops170 g
  • White chocolate (do not use laka)170 g
  • Milk chocolate, chopped or in drops170 g
  • Wheat flour260 g
  1. Mix butter and brown sugar in a mixer.
  2. Add egg and beat.
  3. Add chocolate powder and beat. The mixture should look like soggy sand.
  4. Melt the white chocolate (break into small pieces and microwave every 30 seconds so it doesn't burn).
  5. Add the melted white chocolate to the dough.
  6. Add wheat flour and yeast. Mix little by little so you don't make a mess. Don't hit too much.
  7. When the dough is ready, add the chocolate to the milk and chopped semisweet or in drops to the dough. Don't hit too much. You must have the pieces.
  8. It's ready to roll. It will be greasy and won't stick to your hand, so you don't have to put anything on your hands. Make balls of approximately 5 cm in diameter. Do not flatten/crumple. It should be round.
  9. Bake in a preheated oven at 170° for approximately 10 minutes. The cookie won't go down very much and when it comes out of the oven it should still be a little soft.
  10. Let it cool for 10 minutes and it's ready.
  11. The puff pastry lasts 3 days in the fridge, or 2 months in the freezer.

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