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Chocolate Cake With Coconut

Photo of the Chocolate Cake With Coconut – recipe of Chocolate Cake With Coconut on DeliRec
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Chocolate Cake With Coconut


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Tempo de preparo

60 min(s)


16 servings

Iscolzy Kalifornia

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Eggs3 unit(s)
  • Cups of wheat2 cup
  • Cups of sugar1 cup
  • Cups of chocolate milk1 cup
  • Cups of oil1/2 cup
  • Cups of boiling water1/2 cup
  • Spoonful of yeast1 teaspoon
  • Can of condensed milk1 can(s)
  • Spoons of chocolate milk2 can(s)
  • Spoon of margarine1 tablespoon
  • Very small pinch of instant coffee1 to taste
  • 200ml bottle of coconut milk1 pint
  • Bag of shredded coconut1 unit(s)
  1. Preheat the oven and grease the pan with a hole in the middle.
  2. Place the eggs, wheat, oil, sugar and chocolate in the mixer.
  3. Whisk everything together and pour the hot water, then add the yeast.
  4. Bake in preheated oven for approximately 40 minutes, or until golden.
  5. Once ready, book.
  6. Cut the cake in half for filling.
  7. Make the syrup to wet the cake, mix the milk, coconut milk and 1 can of condensed milk, mix well and wet both parts of the cake, reserve just a little to throw after stuffing and assembled.
  8. For the filling, heat the condensed milk, chocolate milk, margarine, and a pinch of soluble coffee.
  9. Stir until it becomes a soft brigadeiro.
  10. When ready, fill the cake and assemble.
  11. Wet a little more with the syrup.
  12. Pass the soft brigadeiro over the cake and then throw in the grated coconut.
  13. Take it to the fridge.

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