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Photo of the Bis Pie – recipe of Bis Pie on DeliRec
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Bis Pie


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Tempo de preparo

50 min(s)


15 servings

Receitas De

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Box of Chopped Bis1 unit(s)
  • Condensed milk1 can(s)
  • Corn starch1 tablespoon
  • Milk350 ml
  • Margarine2 tablespoon
  • Gems2 unit(s)
  • Semi-sweet chocolate chip1 unit(s)
  • Sour cream1 can(s)
  • Sugar3 tablespoon
  • Very firm snow whites3 unit(s)
  1. For the white cream, separate a little milk and dissolve the corn starch; Mix all the ingredients and bring to the fire, stirring constantly until the cream thickens; Pour the cream into the refractory that will be served and wait for it to cool; Beat the egg whites until stiff and add the sugar little by little. Beat more and reserve; For the chocolate mousse, melt the chocolate in the microwave, or in a bain-marie, mix with the cream; Add the snow whites to the chocolate, mixing gently; On top of the white cream, spread the chopped bis and then the chocolate mousse; Place in the freezer for two hours and then place in the fridge until ready to serve.

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