- Ingredients
- Recipe
- Banana6 unit(s)
- Eggs3 unit(s)
- Oil1 cup
- Milk1 cup
- Sugar1 cup
- Wheat Flour3 cup
- Sugar1 cup
- Cinnamon1 to taste
- Water1/2 cup
- Baking Powder1 tablespoon
- Let's make caramel!! In a pan add a cup of sugar and let it caramelize (when it is golden and completely dissolved add the water and let it thicken a little) Cut the bananas into slices, and distribute them on the baking tray and drizzle them with the syrup.
- In the blender beat the eggs, oil, milk and sugar and set aside. In a bowl, sift the flour. Pour the blender mixture little by little, always stirring and finally add the baking powder. Pour over the bananas and sprinkle with cinnamon.
- Take to preheated fire at 250 degrees for 40 minutes, wait to cool down and uninformed.
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