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Photo of the banana banofe – recipe of banana banofe on DeliRec
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banana banofe


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


5 servings

Sarah Costa

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Cornmeal Biscuit400 kg
  • Soft Brigadeiro200 kg
  • Ripe Banana3 unit(s)
  • Good quality dulce de leche200 kg
  • Whipped cream to decorate to taste
  • Butter200 kg
  • Cinnamon em.pp to taste
  1. Grind the wafer in a blender or food processor and add the melted butter.
  2. In a round shape of 30 cm in diameter, mold the dough creating an edge of approximately 3 cm, take it to the preheated oven for 10 min.
  3. After cooling, unmold the dough and add a layer of soft brigadeiro, (soon I will post my recipe for this brigadeiro).
  4. Chop the bananas diagonally, and place evenly across the surface.
  5. Add a generous layer of good quality dulce de leche.
  6. Cover with whipped cream and decorate, whipped cream made with fresh cream is much better for this recipe, as you can add the sugar in the whipped cream.
  7. If you prefer, sprinkle cinnamon powder to taste.
  8. Take the fridge and you're done

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