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American pancakes

Photo of the American pancakes – recipe of American pancakes on DeliRec
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American pancakes


View in original language


Tempo de preparo

15 min(s)


20 servings

Sabrina Santos

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Egg1 unit(s)
  • Milk180 ml
  • Salt1/2 teaspoon
  • Sugar2 tablespoon
  • Wheat flour1/4 cup
  • Baking powder1 teaspoon
  • Vanilla essence2 teaspoon
  1. In a bowl mix: Flour, sugar, yeast and salt.
  2. In another bowl mix: Milk, egg, leaving a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Then mix the dry ingredients with the liquids with a spoon, until the dough is smooth.
  4. Let the dough rest, meanwhile, you can heat it on low heat greased with margarine.
  5. Then, with the help of a ladle, pour the dough into the skillet, and leave the heat on low.
  6. When bubbles form on the surface, flip the pancakes. The point is when they turn golden. Turn it to both sides, so that it is evenly golden.
  7. To serve, place one dough on top of the other, and pour over them the topping of your choice, such as honey, Nutella and fruit to accompany.

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