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Apaixonados por comidas que agradam ao paladar e aos olhos. Fazemos queijos sem leite animal. Só com ingredientes vegetais🌿 Queijo vegano.


Tofu with grilled vegetables

Chickpea Stroganoff simple and easy

Very easy and quick gnocchi to make - only two ingredients

Risotto with gorgonzola cooked in 5 minutes

Baked dumpling with butter beans

Butter bean pancake - only 3 ingredients

Cheese with honey and dried fruits

From coffee to snack - honey + granola + Petit Suisse

Quick and tasty snack - honey and peanut butter

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We are passionate about food and have created this app so that people like us can have fun and discover new dishes, invent recipes and share them. Because we have to share good food!

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