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Maris Valente


Sou apaixonada por comidas fáceis ,práticas e saborosas ao paladar.Acredito que ir para o fogão não existem erros ,apenas amor por cada refeição.


Baked omelet with vegetables

Sweetened condensed milk and pineapple

Blackberry Jelly with Moça's Finger Pepper (you can use the fruit of your choice)

Eggplant lasagna in the skillet

Condensed milk and vanilla pudding

Cornmeal bread cake with guava and cream cheese

Coconut Condensed Milk Screw

Lemon cake with lemon mousse frosting 🍋

Baked rice with vegetables and cheese.

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We are passionate about food and have created this app so that people like us can have fun and discover new dishes, invent recipes and share them. Because we have to share good food!

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