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tagliatelle with pesto

Photo of the tagliatelle with pesto – recipe of tagliatelle with pesto on DeliRec
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tagliatelle with pesto


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Tempo de preparo

30 min(s)


5 servings

Wilson Nunes

  • Ingredients
  • Recipe
  • Durum noodles500 g
  • Basil leaves (fresh)2 cup
  • Nuts or1/2 cup
  • Parmesan (freshly grated)200 g
  • Garlic Cloves2 unit(s)
  • Olive oil2 cup
  1. Wash and dry the basil leaves well. Next, peel the garlic cloves and remove that little thread in the middle to avoid bittering the pesto sauce. In the food processor, beat half the oil with the garlic cloves, half the Parmesan and the walnuts (until crushed). If you don't have a processor, hit the mixer, blender or pound in the pestle. Add the basil leaves and finish beating to make the sauce. Now add the rest of the olive oil again until you get to the point. The right point is when a smooth sauce (not thick), without being watery. (Try not to beat the basil leaves too much, otherwise it oxidizes and it turns into a dark sauce). Season with salt to taste.
  2. Cook the noodles and when it is at the correct point (al dente) remove and mix with the pesto sauce. Finish by grating more parmesan on top and decorating with basil leaves.
  3. TIP: If you want to “up” the dish, make the homemade pasta that I taught and is in my recipes. Pesto sauce is a type of sauce that does not like high heat. Do not bring to fire. Always use when finishing the dish.

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